Oct 3, 2008

Kim English

Hello sunlight! If you are ever wondering how capture sunlight in oil paint, look up Kim English. I'm sure it's probably in the dictionary:
sun·light - [suhn-lahyt]
the light of the sun; sunshine. Also see Kim English paintings
Seriously, I'm amazed at how Kim captures the beauty, the true radiance, the real truth of sunlight. What else is there to say?


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I totally agree about Kim English's light. I've never seen a piece in person but I'm sure it blows you away!

Avalon said...

Really stunning. Thanks for posting this.

rob ijbema said...

thanks for putting all these great artists together...omg so much to see,so much to learn,will it ever stop? i hope not!!

by Matthew Mahler said...

Ditto ditto, thanks for the post, as an artist, this material is invaluable, seriously!

L.Holm said...

So true! he's one of my favorite painters. amazing.

A Painter's Journal said...

I have looked at Kim's work for a long time and I still don't know how he gets that "yellow" color... that light. It just sings.
Let me know if you figure out the color mix secret!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

pass me a nitro pill please.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I am a little late to the party to your blog but anyway... I took a class from him once and some on the list of paints was: Cadmium Scarlet, Cadmium yellow pale hue, Manganese blue hue, Thalo blue, Thalo green, Thalo yellow-green, And I believe a Cadmium Yellow Light.
I think a lot of the warmth comes from the Cadmium blends both yellow an scarlet. That's my 2 cents worth.