Times are a-changin'. The web is moving fast and I'm havin a hard enough time just posting to my own painting blog (shameless plug). It's not that I haven't been keeping up with art and design, actually it's quite the opposite, I come across soooooooo much stuff now that I just don't have time to write a blog post about it, however I still want to spread the monkey love (that didn't sounds right did it?).
Anyhoo, Here's how this freshly dug up zombie works:
Like an adhd monkey, my posts will came fast and furiously as they are almost precisely reposts from my "shared items" from Google reader. I subscribe to around 300 feeds (blogs) and so sort through hundreds of posts daily to find the stuff worthy of monkey love (also sounding inappropriate). Through one of google reader's new features, I'll simply repost (with little or no description) the stuff I really dig. That's it. Let the games begin...
1 comment:
One thing about you, your comments draw in the crowds...quite entertaining while still sharing good stuff with the world. (re all 3 of your blogs)
That said, am I missing something here? I see links on the side, but nothing shared daily? Maybe this is what you meant about the Google shares, just the side links.
I can see that I am going to have to find your active blog so I can again be entertained by your comments...
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